Anyar Myay

November 9, 2023 By c4tadmin

The birthplace of my grandfather (mother and father), an old town that can even be described as the second Bagan, there is the wall of the city, there is old school, there is the Thara khan Tan Kho Gyi Pagoda which was continued by Thikyar Min.

When the sun goes down in the evening, if you look west from the hilltop, see the old pagodas among the palm trees, and the old town of Ko Gyi Kyaw, which is very much to be missed. In the early 1990s, when I was a child, it was the summer holidays, I got back to the place Pakhan Village, that was who have Grandparents’ youngest grandmother and ‌ relatives. These are the happy times.

From the town where I live, I have to go to Myingyan in a SoDatsan car at 4 in the morning to attend the Shwe Kuni Festival, which is held from the beginning TaPaung to the full moon. Arrive at Myingyan in 10 and a half hours. After lunch at Myingyan, we have to go down to the port by horse-drawn carriage. We traveled along the Irrawaddy River and reached the Chindwin River. Because of the summer, the river is full of sand. On some sands, betel leaves are also grown. About 3:30 pm On the east bank of the Chindwin River, arrived at Nyaungbin village, Wabo village. After a while, arrived at Htantaw village where Ko Gyi Kyaw Nat Festival was held. With palm trees before the ship docked  ” thout taw muu yal nae, ao m hkwar ao mahkwar . . . kogyikyaw pale sayy shite tae kyawann” hearing the sound of Nat Doe makes all the tiredness go away. Inside the show (Pwe), grandmother used to sell Mont Awzar and a bigger or smaller pieces of Man Mayway, the traditional food of Anyar Myay is a snack that can not be exchanged for anything. The most popular bread is still my favorite bread. Still famous, there is no mistaking that palm snack (Htanthee Mont) is my favorite snack. It is a traditional festival and have fun full of Basket , bucket of water (make with bamboo), onions, garlic, dried turmeric, Ohnpote Choyote from Pakhan Gyi and foods. At night, watch the demigods for a while, and then spend the rest of the day sleeping inside the show (Pwe). The next afternoon, we crossed to Chindwin by boat. We went to Pa Khan Nge village, Chit Thu village, where my mother’s school friend was. At that time, it was a trek from the river bank to Pa Khan Gyi village, along the dusty red dirt road, It was tiring to walk around carrying a bag of clothes. Along the way, pick wild jasmine and Khamote flower and I was tired but happy to run to the adults. It was getting late in the evening, reach the old town of Pa Khan Gyi village in Nyaung Zin Ward where the Si Thu Shin Pagoda Hill.

Pa Khan Gyi Town Urban structure

Location of Pahanggyi Old Town

The old town of Pahang is located in Magway Region, Yezakyo Township. Located on Pakokku-Monywa Road. About 24 miles from Pakokku, 11 miles from Yezakyo.

The formation of urban states

King Danu Thiha left Yarzagyo Pyi after the war and reached Pissantras, west of the Chindwin River, On the east side of the mountain are three hills surrounded by flat land

And found a city-state. 96 A.D. During the reign of King Thein Khun in Bagan, Si Thu and Kyaw Swa were born to the Queen of the North.


Cross the river and come to this place, there are three cities, Kuphyu Pagoda and Kuni  Pagoda, which became an urban kingdom. Kyaw Swa was ordered to make a canal under the Nanwinkauk from Yaysakyo to get water. Kyaw Swar could not dig a canal because of drugs. Si Thu killed Kyaw Swar and Kyaw Swar became spirit and then Kyaw Swar killed Si Thu again and Si Thi also became spirit. They, now resides at Kuni Pagoda. The city was built by princes Si Thu and Kyaw Swar is the royal city of Vathana.

667 A.D. during the reign of the Taseeshin, Letmel MP was given four hundred servants and established an urban state there. The name of the town is Ku Than Nge Village near the Thallawadi River. It is called  Ku Than Nge Village (Pakhangyi Township).

Around 740 A.D., King Saw ှSwar Kae of Inwa Industry appointed Saw Saw Amat, a servant who had been at war with Ta Laing King Rajadhiraj, as his stronghold.

During the reign of King Hanthawaddy, the walls were raised and rebuilt from Pakhangyi for resistance. Narapati Si Thu Min, it was called Pa Se-Khan Se (Pa Khan).

(Reference, Pakhan Museum, History of Pakangyi)

The wards in Pahang Gyi are quite large, such as Nyaung Zin, Yadan, Auk Kyin (Myoma)ယ Htantabin, Nagadwin, Taung Min Chaung East, West Quarter, Pa Khang Gyi Myo Paw, Myout Pyin, Ywar Thar and Thet Ywa. The Pa Khan Gyi school and Khelu school is ancient heritage.

Pa Khan Gyi, The Great Hall

It is located in Pahang Gyi Old Town (Pa Khan Gyi Village), Yezakyo Township, Magway Region. It is made up of 254 pillars. (A.D. 1868) King Bo Tot and Minister Mae Phe built and donated to Sayadaw U Gna in 1230. It was donated to Kankulethle when he was young. It is 24 feet long and12 feet wide. The cost is 54762 kyats [for one betel nut]. No wood fee. Only construction cost. Most are made of teak,  there are also Nanthar and Karamet pillars. Turn around the pole three times you can get a fragrant feeling. The pillars were counted as Kyout Myet Ywen.

Not only for those who want to study history but also for the people,  who want to take a beautiful photo with the archipelago, the temple will help you to create a calm and peaceful natural beauty photo. It is also the second-largest wooden school in Myanmar after the Pa Khan Nge school.

Temple Guide

The old town of Pa Khan Gyi is located on the Pakokku-Monywa-Mandalay highway and can be visited from all over.

Pakokku – Pakhangyi = 17 miles

Monywa – Pakhanggyi = 59 miles;

Mandalay: It is 110 miles away.

Khe Lu Temple

The Khe Lu Temple has existed since before the construction of the Pa Khan Gyi Temple. Sayadaw U Guna resided it. The Minister

King U Pho Tote, paid homage to U Guna, the abbot of Khe Lu Monastery, who was his junior teacher the Construction was donated.

According to the word “Pa Khan Kyaung Kan, Bagan Phaya”, the old city of Pa Khan has many ancient temples are found.

The Khe Lu Temple is located nearby to the west of the hall Pa Khan Gyi Temple. Near the northeast of Khe Lu Monastery, the lakes can be seen, Dar Thway Kan, Phyar Say Kan, and Thout Kan.  Now the lakes are gone. You can also visit the museum. So, to Pa Khan Gyi, the old town of Min Kyaw Swa, the town with a longing for the past, I invite you to visit the real Tharakan Lat Lay Thet Pagoda once in a while.


Author – Pan Pyo Thu

Translator- Hana M